On-Demand Webinar

Advanced Reporting: Attributing Cloud Costs to Kubernetes Applications
Many Kubernetes applications rely on services running outside of the cluster. They may use Amazon RDS as a backing database, an Azure Storage Account to store images, or Google BigQuery to load and analyze large datasets. To get a holistic view of the total cost of running your application, capturing the costs of those cloud-native services is imperative. Access our on-demand webinar to learn how to associate your cloud-native services with Kubernetes concepts to determine the TCO of your Kubernetes applications using Kubecost.

During this webinar you will learn:

  • How Kubecost integrates with your cloud-native services
  • The benefits of having a holistic view of the total cost of running your application
  • K8s concepts to determine the TCO of your applications using Kubecost

Advanced Reporting: Attributing Cloud Costs to Kubernetes Applications

Who: Sean Pomeroy, Solutions Engineer


Access the On-Demand Webinar

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